B- Is for basketball, my favorite sport. I have practicly lived in a gym during the months of october through march since i was 5. Basketball can be a team sport or an individual thing to work on, it seems like there could be no better game in the world.
C- Is for cats, I don't like them at all, I hate all kinds of cats, black ones, grey ones, even orange ones, i just never liked them...... and I never will.
D- Is for dogs, how couldn't you like dogs, they are just the ultaminte pet. They can play fetch, do tricks, great for a pillow when there isn't one around. They also don't like cats so we have things in common. My parents won't buy me a dog, I don't think they like me.
E- Is for eating, as a teenager i spend a good part of my day consuming some good old fashion calories.
F- is for friendly, shy is one thing i am not, i am always looking to make new friends. I am on good terms with most people i know.
G- is for gorgeous, this letter is self explanitory....... I was gifted with great looks from day one, thats how things go sometimes.
H- is for halarious, or so ive been told. Even when losing a sporting event by thirty points i was always the comic relief on the team, always the class clown, and always the kid with a smile on his face.
I- is for intellegent, i have always been a bright young man. Somtimes i fail to show this in my school work but the ability has always been there.
J- is for James Anthony Ryan the 3rd, jimmy is my best friend in the whole wide world, weve been through just about everything you can think of, i basicly lived at his house for 12 years, and his grandma was my grandma.
K- is for kintergarden, maybe the best year of school to date, i mean nap time, recess, we had it all.
L- is for lucky, most people will tell you there lucky, but not Mike Blaesser lucky. For example i have been approached by complete strangers and been offered 5 tigers tickets 5 rows of the dugout for one of the biggest series of the year, i am as werided out by this as anybody but you don't turn down tigers tickets kids.
M- is for motivated, if i want something i go get it! Period.
O- is for over the top. Listen here kids if there was anyone more over the top then Mike Blaesser I'd like to meet them.
P- is for ponyboy, the Outsiders is the 2nd best book i have ever read, it was so good i read it a second time.
Q- is for quarters, i have the entire state quarter collection in my room in the map with the spaces just for the quarters, i take much pride in this fact becuase it took so long to collect all of the quarters.
R- is for rocket power, i watched rocket power every morning before school during 1st and second grade, to date rocket power is the best cartoon ever made.
S- is for Super Troopers and Super bad, these are hands down number 2 and three on my list of all time movies behind Tommy Boy, "I am Mc Lovin" " Stupid rookie"
T- is for the Bronze Bow, this is the best book i have ever read. I have read the book 9 times in 5 years and i still haven't gotten sick of it. It is an amazing piece of literature that everyone should ave to read to graduate highchool.
U- is for universal, i can click with almost any group at anytime, i am just an all around good guy.
v- is for volleyball, i couldn't think of a letter for V so allie koestring told me to put volleyball.
W- is for wild, people tell me years 1-14 are just a phase but i plan on being this way my whole life, run on 4 hours of sleep and go to all the parties you can.
X- is for x-ray, i am quite a clumsy kid believe it or not so i have had my hand x-rayed more than 10 times, i have broken all of my fingers atleast twice.
Z- is for Zack Atwood, hes great at everything he does. He is super rich, and his whole family is and extention of my own.