The Israeli government has been covering this entire incident up since the day it happened. If there government was confident that they did not do anything wrong then they would have done an investigation in the first place. When you look at history people protect their own, this situation is no different, the government delegates the troops to do something wrong, the troops know its wrong, the government knows its wrong, and when they are responsible for investigating it, nothing ever seems to turn up to incriminate anybody. The only bad part is that when someone else looks into things and something turns up like remains from an airstrike bomb then you have to sit there and take the blame.
another reason that the Israeli troops committed war crimes is because they were anticipating a long war. In a long war strategy will often beat bulk or number of troops. If the Palestinians didn't have any food then they would ultimetaly lose the war. When the Israeli's dilibriatly attacked the only working flour mill the palestinians had it was taking away a main source of food and giving them the edge in the war.
I know that the Isreali's will continue to argue that the flour mill was just collaterall damage but if it was then why were there no people killed when it happened? The reason is becuase all they were trying to do is