Friday, January 22, 2010

south africa

if i had to choose between the five countries i would choose south africa to be a native in.

I choose south africa because they fought back sucessfully against the europeans more than the other 4 countries. when Shaka fought the europeans he killed more than 1500 of them in a full out upset in the battle of Isandlwana .
My second reason for wanting to be a south african native is even when aparteid started they were always in the talk, the europeans never completley took away their rights, for example the ANC the political party always had a say in what was happening in south africa, and now the ANC practically runs the country.

all in all things worked out best for the natives of south africa so i would choose to be them if i had the choice


  1. I totally agree with you. I like how you look on the bright side of things.

  2. and I totaly agree with Ben and you!
