Monday, October 26, 2009
All day you prepare and your nervous, how does my tie look? Do i smell good? I hope it is gonna be fun, and it all is over in the blink of an eye. Just like that, and this is how it happened. after scrambling to find a tie, buy a new suit and things of that nature the bill goes up pretty quick it adds up. Come the night of homecoming everything was set and i was on my way to pictures, looking fresh as usuall. we arrived at the house got out and said hello to everyone, pictures seemed to take forever, after the parents were gone we were off to the dance. To this day i have never been in a hotter room than the comp gym that night. The lines for water were 30 feet around the door. The last song came on and you couldnt beleve it was over. You asked someone to dance and looked back on all the fun you had had in that 3 hours.
Why i will never text in school again
In these next four hundred words i will try to narrow the list to a few reasons i will never text in class again. example one is that i love having my phone all of the time, why i am using it varyies from texting to calling 911, if i text in class then i can't do either of those things. My parents gave me this phone so tey can always be in contact with me, if my phone is in mr gibbons office it won't matter if they call me or not. reason two is that when i am texting in class Mr. Fielder is wasting his breath when i am looking down at my phone texting, it is a waste of his time and mine. There are taxpayers out there who are paying good money for me to attend stevenson high school, if you asked them do you think they would appreciate me texting in school? I shouldn't be texting unless it is important, and whenit is important you should tell your teacher and they will let you use a phone in the office. Next time i will definatly make better choices when it comes to using my phone before class lets out, these choiches include turning my phone off in school, asking the teachers premission if i can use an office phone, and over all following the rules.
Friday, October 9, 2009
I'll Do It Later

When I went home Tuesday night I knew I should get a jump on Mr. fielders blog assignment that was due Friday, but I couldn't think of a topic to write about so I just kept that in the back on my mind, What will I write about for my blog?
Wednesday morning came awfully late on account of a timely power outage at Stevenson high school. I should probably do my blog today I told myself, but once again I chose to hang with friends and blow it off. My friends had told me how hard they struggled with this assignment and how long it took them but I didn’t have a care in the world when it came to having two days off in a row.
Wednesday night rolled around and I had weighed my options, Olga’s kitchen for dinner, or fielder’s blog, I can't say I regret choosing Olga’s. Those snackers are like heaven with cheese on top. I could have gone home after that and knocked it out of the way, but instead chose to go over to a friend's house and eat snackers and watch TV. I could just feel that I was going to put this assignment off until the last second.
Thursday morning I woke up about 9:15 or so and did my morning routine, take a shower eat breakfast, after that I decided to sit down at the computer and write my paper, but I sat at the computer and watched the cursor blink for 30 minutes, I couldn’t' think of anything to write. I tried, thought, brainstormed and even asked other people what they were writing about and nothing seemed to be satisfactory to put on my blog.
During that afternoon I didn’t even bother to try writing my blog and decided to go to the football game. When I arrived at the football game I had an ingenious idea to ask Mr. fielder if he could give the class an extension on our blog, this plan miserably failed and I was in the same spot I had always been in.
Since I knew this was going to be a tough blog to write, I just kept wondering about what topic I could write on. I came home from the game and decided that enough was enough, I looked at that computer and wrote my little heart out for hours at a time. After everything was settled I clicked print and went to bed. The last thing I thought to myself before gently shutting my eyes and dosing off was, I better get an A on this.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Mike Blaesser
Global ed. English/Fielder the Stare Down
There they were, last two seats in the house, and I had them right in my cross hairs until I saw two upperclassmen making a break for them. As I started to do the same my feet were like a bike on gravel, half way there we both josh and I as well as the to upperclassmen stopped, and they stared at us like it was there job, we returned the favor. It is an unwritten rule that whoever wins a stare down in this case gets the seats. That is the longest six seconds of high school to date.
Walking in to the cafeteria was a relief from the dribble of teachers in hours one through four. I was big bad freshman looking to get his own table with all his friends on the first day, I hadn’t the slightest idea what I was in for, and it wasn’t going to be the calming experience I was looking f or. It turns out the cafeteria had come with its own set of rules that wasn’t in the handbook. I went to stand in line, “five minutes at most, right” I said to Josh, turned out to be more like fifteen. “About time we got some food” I said with annoyance in my voice to Josh. I stepped out of the line with my lukewarm tray to find a cafeteria filled to the brim with loud kids, Josh and I went searching for seats
It felt like everyone in the room was drilling their eyes in the back of are heads as if we were a freak show. We were clearly the only two left standing. “Quick there’s two seats”, As Josh’s yell seemed like a whisper in the noisy cafeteria. I made eye contact with an upperclassmen and his friend who were eyeing the seats. The level of concentration held on both ends was incredible. Staring contests are one of my many finely tuned skills; others include sleeping in and eating massive amounts of food. In the end Josh and I came out on top like I knew we would. Finally I sat down and could enjoy my feast.0A
After that fiasco I was famished and Pizza and tater tots was on the menu today. I took one last look at a full piece of pizza and took a bite, instantly intoxicated by the aroma of marinara sauce and pepperonis, I could feel the first bite hit the pit of my stomach and a sigh of relief was let go through the entire lunchroom, perhaps the entire school. Capping off my triumphant meal was an orange Gatorade that I took a gulp and all of my body was cooled and my senses were brought back to life, things that were dim had color, things that had no smell had the most eye opening aromas, and the lunchroom that was once looked upon as loud seemed so peaceful with a full stomach.
Before I knew what hit me C lunch was over and the cafeteria started to empty, the room started to mellow as I threw away my trash and headed towards the door. Walking out of the cafeteria I was still Mike Blaesser the big bad freshman. Making it through lunch that day was defiantly a defining moment in my high school career that I will remember for years to come.
Global ed. English/Fielder the Stare Down
There they were, last two seats in the house, and I had them right in my cross hairs until I saw two upperclassmen making a break for them. As I started to do the same my feet were like a bike on gravel, half way there we both josh and I as well as the to upperclassmen stopped, and they stared at us like it was there job, we returned the favor. It is an unwritten rule that whoever wins a stare down in this case gets the seats. That is the longest six seconds of high school to date.
Walking in to the cafeteria was a relief from the dribble of teachers in hours one through four. I was big bad freshman looking to get his own table with all his friends on the first day, I hadn’t the slightest idea what I was in for, and it wasn’t going to be the calming experience I was looking f or. It turns out the cafeteria had come with its own set of rules that wasn’t in the handbook. I went to stand in line, “five minutes at most, right” I said to Josh, turned out to be more like fifteen. “About time we got some food” I said with annoyance in my voice to Josh. I stepped out of the line with my lukewarm tray to find a cafeteria filled to the brim with loud kids, Josh and I went searching for seats
It felt like everyone in the room was drilling their eyes in the back of are heads as if we were a freak show. We were clearly the only two left standing. “Quick there’s two seats”, As Josh’s yell seemed like a whisper in the noisy cafeteria. I made eye contact with an upperclassmen and his friend who were eyeing the seats. The level of concentration held on both ends was incredible. Staring contests are one of my many finely tuned skills; others include sleeping in and eating massive amounts of food. In the end Josh and I came out on top like I knew we would. Finally I sat down and could enjoy my feast.0A
After that fiasco I was famished and Pizza and tater tots was on the menu today. I took one last look at a full piece of pizza and took a bite, instantly intoxicated by the aroma of marinara sauce and pepperonis, I could feel the first bite hit the pit of my stomach and a sigh of relief was let go through the entire lunchroom, perhaps the entire school. Capping off my triumphant meal was an orange Gatorade that I took a gulp and all of my body was cooled and my senses were brought back to life, things that were dim had color, things that had no smell had the most eye opening aromas, and the lunchroom that was once looked upon as loud seemed so peaceful with a full stomach.
Before I knew what hit me C lunch was over and the cafeteria started to empty, the room started to mellow as I threw away my trash and headed towards the door. Walking out of the cafeteria I was still Mike Blaesser the big bad freshman. Making it through lunch that day was defiantly a defining moment in my high school career that I will remember for years to come.
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