Monday, October 26, 2009

Why i will never text in school again

In these next four hundred words i will try to narrow the list to a few reasons i will never text in class again. example one is that i love having my phone all of the time, why i am using it varyies from texting to calling 911, if i text in class then i can't do either of those things. My parents gave me this phone so tey can always be in contact with me, if my phone is in mr gibbons office it won't matter if they call me or not. reason two is that when i am texting in class Mr. Fielder is wasting his breath when i am looking down at my phone texting, it is a waste of his time and mine. There are taxpayers out there who are paying good money for me to attend stevenson high school, if you asked them do you think they would appreciate me texting in school? I shouldn't be texting unless it is important, and whenit is important you should tell your teacher and they will let you use a phone in the office. Next time i will definatly make better choices when it comes to using my phone before class lets out, these choiches include turning my phone off in school, asking the teachers premission if i can use an office phone, and over all following the rules.


  1. You must have been texting when I said that inappropriately using lower case Is drives me insane.

    Mr. Fielder

  2. haha, good job mike. kudos! and mr.fielders blog made me laugh((:
