When I went home Tuesday night I knew I should get a jump on Mr. fielders blog assignment that was due Friday, but I couldn't think of a topic to write about so I just kept that in the back on my mind, What will I write about for my blog?
Wednesday morning came awfully late on account of a timely power outage at Stevenson high school. I should probably do my blog today I told myself, but once again I chose to hang with friends and blow it off. My friends had told me how hard they struggled with this assignment and how long it took them but I didn’t have a care in the world when it came to having two days off in a row.
Wednesday night rolled around and I had weighed my options, Olga’s kitchen for dinner, or fielder’s blog, I can't say I regret choosing Olga’s. Those snackers are like heaven with cheese on top. I could have gone home after that and knocked it out of the way, but instead chose to go over to a friend's house and eat snackers and watch TV. I could just feel that I was going to put this assignment off until the last second.
Thursday morning I woke up about 9:15 or so and did my morning routine, take a shower eat breakfast, after that I decided to sit down at the computer and write my paper, but I sat at the computer and watched the cursor blink for 30 minutes, I couldn’t' think of anything to write. I tried, thought, brainstormed and even asked other people what they were writing about and nothing seemed to be satisfactory to put on my blog.
During that afternoon I didn’t even bother to try writing my blog and decided to go to the football game. When I arrived at the football game I had an ingenious idea to ask Mr. fielder if he could give the class an extension on our blog, this plan miserably failed and I was in the same spot I had always been in.
Since I knew this was going to be a tough blog to write, I just kept wondering about what topic I could write on. I came home from the game and decided that enough was enough, I looked at that computer and wrote my little heart out for hours at a time. After everything was settled I clicked print and went to bed. The last thing I thought to myself before gently shutting my eyes and dosing off was, I better get an A on this.
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