Friday, November 6, 2009

Top 5 Mr. Fielder Quotes

# 5"Late!" There is nothing more said nothing less, but somehow when your late he jsut tends to blurt out as you walk in the door, Late. Later in the day you get a lecture about how many tardies you have consequences.

# 4 "I like the idea, but you should play with it"like most matt fielder quotes, this one leaves you sitting at your desk, clueless, your asking yourself things like, does he think its good? Does he think its bad? You end up starting over with a less confusing topic.

#3 "STRUGGLE!" most teachers you meet want you to succeed, Mr. Fielder is not one of them. He wants you to struggle.The man can only teach so much, if your not willing to go home and cry yourself to sleep over this assinment, he suggests you drop the class. If this comes to you easy, don't turn in your paper because it is wrong.

#2 "What's Your Point?"One quarter through the semester i go into class every day prepared to answer this very question but, earlier in the year this was my basic day. Mr. Fielder hands out an assingment and you go home and work hard on it, you sturggle, you cry, and you go into class the next day feeling like a million bucks, hes in a good mood, giving people alot of good feedback, And then he says three words. Whats your point? And once agian he crushes your dreams like it's his job.

#1 If you can't guess it your not in his class, its the most classic of all, "needs to be developed". Let me be the first to say, What does that mean. I mean seriously, i don't think he knows. If you say somthing 35-40 times in a 55 minute class, i think you should have and idea. This is the pinnicale of confusion, which part needs to be developed, he won't tell you. These have been the 5 top mr fielder quotes.


  1. Blaesser,

    I like the idea, but it's late, it needs to be developed, and I don't think you struggled enough when writing it. And finally, what is your point?


    Mr. Fielder
    PS – hope you are recovering from the Swine Flu!

  2. i seriously peed my pants ! This is so true !

  3. That was an amazing piece that I just read Mike, #3 is fo sho my fav. Very nice, you nailed everything that he says right on the head, keep up the good work!

  4. WoW michael. you really have summed up mr fielder in a perfect 5 quotes. hah my favorite...

    "# 4 "I like the idea, but you should play with it"like most matt fielder quotes, this one leaves you sitting at your desk, clueless, your asking yourself things like, does he think its good? Does he think its bad? You end up starting over with a less confusing topic."

    this is my fave becauseb i feel like this everytime i write a paper in this class. :(

  5. That was the best blog I have ever read! Every single word is exactly him.

  6. haha whats up with the first freakin comment from mister blaesser??? lol and this is prolly the best topic i have ever heard of in my life!!

  7. Well, someone needed to make one of these. I'm truly jealous I didn't think of it myself.

  8. This is the best blog idea ever! I seriously just laughed so hard when I was reading this because it is so true! My favotire would have to be #2. That's how I feel often when I come into class, only to asked what my point is. Haha.

  9. truly the best work so far.
    Funny but so true!
    Keep it up!

  10. best blog ever writeen! i pretty much cried when i read this... its so true (:

  11. I know I'm a little late in saying this, but this blog needs to be developed. I like the idea, but you should play with it. You seem to struggle with the concept of capitalizing names. And pronouns. You should get a spell-checker. 'Alot' is not a word. Maybe even add some "quotation marks".

    What's your point, Blaesser?

  12. Funny, just remember to capitilize your I's.

  13. Haha i absolutely love it, probable the best blog ever written. It really shows how much you pay attention in class.

  14. haha hilarious nice job that was the best blog i have ever seen

  15. Hey Blazer!(:
    This is so true. I've only had Fielder for a couple weeks, but he definitely does all of those things.

  16. I'm still trying to figure it what "needs to be developed" means.....yeah, not a clue.
