Monday, November 30, 2009
Rwandan Genocide
Our class debate was a great experience and I was proud of myself for being as prepared as I was. Everyone in our class stayed in character very well and the discussions got heated, Belgium was beat up on constantly, and the Interhamwe........ well you know what they did, everyone was fighting for there point so much that Mr. Fielder even had to step in and calm us down a few times, gag orders were handed out, I think that says it all. This class assignment made me interested in mammon and Simon and maybe debate is something I should get into, all in all the debate rocked my socks off.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
The American Scholar
One reason Emersons argument still holds true to this day is because everyone classifys themselves by what they do. Now a days lawyers are friends with lawyers and doctors are friends with doctors, i can't recall the last time i saw a brain surgeon hang out with a trash man, our jobs give us labels which in turn segrgate us, if people want to focus on what they do rather than just forget about work, that is how his argument holds true to this day.
Another reason is becauseeveryone needs to be more self reliant. When jobs start becoming harder and harder to find, you have to specialize in one thing rather than be able to have a range of skills, you are in a sence, stuck, doing one thing. If a Engineer decides he wants to be a doctor that is going to be very tough becuase he already spent 4 years plus in college getting an enginering degree, and he would have to spend 8 more in Med. school. You are always going to need somebody to do something for you.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Top 5 Mr. Fielder Quotes
# 4 "I like the idea, but you should play with it"like most matt fielder quotes, this one leaves you sitting at your desk, clueless, your asking yourself things like, does he think its good? Does he think its bad? You end up starting over with a less confusing topic.
#3 "STRUGGLE!" most teachers you meet want you to succeed, Mr. Fielder is not one of them. He wants you to struggle.The man can only teach so much, if your not willing to go home and cry yourself to sleep over this assinment, he suggests you drop the class. If this comes to you easy, don't turn in your paper because it is wrong.
#2 "What's Your Point?"One quarter through the semester i go into class every day prepared to answer this very question but, earlier in the year this was my basic day. Mr. Fielder hands out an assingment and you go home and work hard on it, you sturggle, you cry, and you go into class the next day feeling like a million bucks, hes in a good mood, giving people alot of good feedback, And then he says three words. Whats your point? And once agian he crushes your dreams like it's his job.
#1 If you can't guess it your not in his class, its the most classic of all, "needs to be developed". Let me be the first to say, What does that mean. I mean seriously, i don't think he knows. If you say somthing 35-40 times in a 55 minute class, i think you should have and idea. This is the pinnicale of confusion, which part needs to be developed, he won't tell you. These have been the 5 top mr fielder quotes.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
I'm to old for this
That talk gave me just enough insentive to go trick or treating just one more time, so I was going to make this an event, great costume that i would spend a fortune on, start around 5 o'clock so you can really get your money's worth, and last but not least make sure to stop around ten at night. I was going to make this my final ha-rah!
all hallow's eve was upon me and I managed to acomplish none of the things i just listed, i woke up relized it was halloween, had enough motivation to walk up to halloween U.S.A to see a practicly empty store with no costumes left, so i called a friend and borrowed and old one, then scrambled to find two people to go with. It was about seven thirty and when we finally started tirck or treating, maybe i'll go next year so we can acomplish everything.
So i ended up going trick or treating for about 38 minutes, give or take a minute, and halloween owes me 38 minutes of my life back. My parents have never been more right about anything in their lives, EVER! When you get to the door and you knock instead of saying trick or treat, and you aren't pre-pared to follow trough with a tirck if there is no treat, and oprning the bag of candy is a newsince because your in the middle of a text, you are to old for trick or treating.
It is a shame that i will now remember trick or treating as a boring activity for mindless children, and i have to give it to mom and dad, somtimes they no what they are talking about every now and then. If e only good thing that came out of that night was a good blog to write, you did'nt have a good night, i did learn that i am to old for tirck-or treating.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Why i will never text in school again
Friday, October 9, 2009
I'll Do It Later
When I went home Tuesday night I knew I should get a jump on Mr. fielders blog assignment that was due Friday, but I couldn't think of a topic to write about so I just kept that in the back on my mind, What will I write about for my blog?
Wednesday morning came awfully late on account of a timely power outage at Stevenson high school. I should probably do my blog today I told myself, but once again I chose to hang with friends and blow it off. My friends had told me how hard they struggled with this assignment and how long it took them but I didn’t have a care in the world when it came to having two days off in a row.
Wednesday night rolled around and I had weighed my options, Olga’s kitchen for dinner, or fielder’s blog, I can't say I regret choosing Olga’s. Those snackers are like heaven with cheese on top. I could have gone home after that and knocked it out of the way, but instead chose to go over to a friend's house and eat snackers and watch TV. I could just feel that I was going to put this assignment off until the last second.
Thursday morning I woke up about 9:15 or so and did my morning routine, take a shower eat breakfast, after that I decided to sit down at the computer and write my paper, but I sat at the computer and watched the cursor blink for 30 minutes, I couldn’t' think of anything to write. I tried, thought, brainstormed and even asked other people what they were writing about and nothing seemed to be satisfactory to put on my blog.
During that afternoon I didn’t even bother to try writing my blog and decided to go to the football game. When I arrived at the football game I had an ingenious idea to ask Mr. fielder if he could give the class an extension on our blog, this plan miserably failed and I was in the same spot I had always been in.
Since I knew this was going to be a tough blog to write, I just kept wondering about what topic I could write on. I came home from the game and decided that enough was enough, I looked at that computer and wrote my little heart out for hours at a time. After everything was settled I clicked print and went to bed. The last thing I thought to myself before gently shutting my eyes and dosing off was, I better get an A on this.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Global ed. English/Fielder the Stare Down
There they were, last two seats in the house, and I had them right in my cross hairs until I saw two upperclassmen making a break for them. As I started to do the same my feet were like a bike on gravel, half way there we both josh and I as well as the to upperclassmen stopped, and they stared at us like it was there job, we returned the favor. It is an unwritten rule that whoever wins a stare down in this case gets the seats. That is the longest six seconds of high school to date.
Walking in to the cafeteria was a relief from the dribble of teachers in hours one through four. I was big bad freshman looking to get his own table with all his friends on the first day, I hadn’t the slightest idea what I was in for, and it wasn’t going to be the calming experience I was looking f or. It turns out the cafeteria had come with its own set of rules that wasn’t in the handbook. I went to stand in line, “five minutes at most, right” I said to Josh, turned out to be more like fifteen. “About time we got some food” I said with annoyance in my voice to Josh. I stepped out of the line with my lukewarm tray to find a cafeteria filled to the brim with loud kids, Josh and I went searching for seats
It felt like everyone in the room was drilling their eyes in the back of are heads as if we were a freak show. We were clearly the only two left standing. “Quick there’s two seats”, As Josh’s yell seemed like a whisper in the noisy cafeteria. I made eye contact with an upperclassmen and his friend who were eyeing the seats. The level of concentration held on both ends was incredible. Staring contests are one of my many finely tuned skills; others include sleeping in and eating massive amounts of food. In the end Josh and I came out on top like I knew we would. Finally I sat down and could enjoy my feast.0A
After that fiasco I was famished and Pizza and tater tots was on the menu today. I took one last look at a full piece of pizza and took a bite, instantly intoxicated by the aroma of marinara sauce and pepperonis, I could feel the first bite hit the pit of my stomach and a sigh of relief was let go through the entire lunchroom, perhaps the entire school. Capping off my triumphant meal was an orange Gatorade that I took a gulp and all of my body was cooled and my senses were brought back to life, things that were dim had color, things that had no smell had the most eye opening aromas, and the lunchroom that was once looked upon as loud seemed so peaceful with a full stomach.
Before I knew what hit me C lunch was over and the cafeteria started to empty, the room started to mellow as I threw away my trash and headed towards the door. Walking out of the cafeteria I was still Mike Blaesser the big bad freshman. Making it through lunch that day was defiantly a defining moment in my high school career that I will remember for years to come.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
A is for all about Mike Blazer
B- Is for basketball, my favorite sport. I have practicly lived in a gym during the months of october through march since i was 5. Basketball can be a team sport or an individual thing to work on, it seems like there could be no better game in the world.
C- Is for cats, I don't like them at all, I hate all kinds of cats, black ones, grey ones, even orange ones, i just never liked them...... and I never will.
D- Is for dogs, how couldn't you like dogs, they are just the ultaminte pet. They can play fetch, do tricks, great for a pillow when there isn't one around. They also don't like cats so we have things in common. My parents won't buy me a dog, I don't think they like me.
E- Is for eating, as a teenager i spend a good part of my day consuming some good old fashion calories.
F- is for friendly, shy is one thing i am not, i am always looking to make new friends. I am on good terms with most people i know.
G- is for gorgeous, this letter is self explanitory....... I was gifted with great looks from day one, thats how things go sometimes.
H- is for halarious, or so ive been told. Even when losing a sporting event by thirty points i was always the comic relief on the team, always the class clown, and always the kid with a smile on his face.
I- is for intellegent, i have always been a bright young man. Somtimes i fail to show this in my school work but the ability has always been there.
J- is for James Anthony Ryan the 3rd, jimmy is my best friend in the whole wide world, weve been through just about everything you can think of, i basicly lived at his house for 12 years, and his grandma was my grandma.
K- is for kintergarden, maybe the best year of school to date, i mean nap time, recess, we had it all.
L- is for lucky, most people will tell you there lucky, but not Mike Blaesser lucky. For example i have been approached by complete strangers and been offered 5 tigers tickets 5 rows of the dugout for one of the biggest series of the year, i am as werided out by this as anybody but you don't turn down tigers tickets kids.
M- is for motivated, if i want something i go get it! Period.
O- is for over the top. Listen here kids if there was anyone more over the top then Mike Blaesser I'd like to meet them.
P- is for ponyboy, the Outsiders is the 2nd best book i have ever read, it was so good i read it a second time.
Q- is for quarters, i have the entire state quarter collection in my room in the map with the spaces just for the quarters, i take much pride in this fact becuase it took so long to collect all of the quarters.
R- is for rocket power, i watched rocket power every morning before school during 1st and second grade, to date rocket power is the best cartoon ever made.
S- is for Super Troopers and Super bad, these are hands down number 2 and three on my list of all time movies behind Tommy Boy, "I am Mc Lovin" " Stupid rookie"
T- is for the Bronze Bow, this is the best book i have ever read. I have read the book 9 times in 5 years and i still haven't gotten sick of it. It is an amazing piece of literature that everyone should ave to read to graduate highchool.
U- is for universal, i can click with almost any group at anytime, i am just an all around good guy.
v- is for volleyball, i couldn't think of a letter for V so allie koestring told me to put volleyball.
W- is for wild, people tell me years 1-14 are just a phase but i plan on being this way my whole life, run on 4 hours of sleep and go to all the parties you can.
X- is for x-ray, i am quite a clumsy kid believe it or not so i have had my hand x-rayed more than 10 times, i have broken all of my fingers atleast twice.
Z- is for Zack Atwood, hes great at everything he does. He is super rich, and his whole family is and extention of my own.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Don't blink
As freshman we have so many opportunities on the table right now, homecoming, prom, sports, and clubs, because we are Golbies we have been given even more chances to get involved and make high school a memorable experience. Although high school is about education, mixing in some fun couldn’t hurt anybody. I’ve been told thousands of times to take advantage of all of these things because they only come once in life and I will regret not doing them. Now that I have had a taste of high school life I believe all of those people who said get involved and make friends.
The Spartan experience should be more than just coming to school, and just sitting in class, most people come out of high school with friends they will have the rest of their lives, so should you.